Feeling Stuck AF?
Feeling Stuck AF?
Feeling Stuck AF?

Are you an academic of any stripe feeling stuck AF in your career? Have you followed all the social media groups imaginable for support and guidance and resources, and talked to friends in highered, but still feel like you’re drifting kind of aimlessly towards something else that’s not quite clear yet?

I’ve been there and I know how icky it feels. You know you’ve outgrown your current circumstances, but you can’t quite figure out what needs to shift or how. You feel like a square peg that needs to shapeshift to fit into the form that your professional choices to date have suggested you follow. But it doesn’t feel good.

Sarah Trocchio

That’s Where
I Come In!

With literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours working with lots of academics just like you

I help badass human beings get real about their core values and how they can best be activated to prompt greater professional freedom & fulfillment.

I make this happen by taking everything you probably know about thinking about your academic career and turning it on its head.


You can expect to walk away from our collaboration feeling liberated as hell, and clearer than you ever have before about naming and seeking your NFT (that’s YOUR NEXT FIRST THING and it’s the key to getting to the deep in your bones liberation you’re craving).

With years under my belt as an intersectional inequity scholar, board-certified career coach, social worker, and educator, I channel all of that curiosity and a honed advocacy tool to effectively and humanely serve women-identifying, non-binary, neurodivergent and otherwise marginalized academics like you. I’ve also made it OUT of the academy, work as a consultant serving diverse sectors, and I know the ins and outs of the world beyond the ivory tower. I am deeply committed to applying feminist & anti-racist frameworks to celebrate all the fellow square pegs out there to help you find the spot that best suits your shape.

Focus Your


My signature programs are designed BY and FOR academics just like you who are over feeling out of place, undervalued, and sucked into the vortex of all that’s wrong with higher ed.

Stir Shit Up
with Greater

You will walk with greater confidence in the choices you’re making, feeling empowered knowing what it means to act in accordance with those values, and also making hella progress doing so. Let’s find the spot that suits your shape.

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