Hi, I’m Sarah, an OG square peg and your guide to all things career strategy for badass academics of all stripes!

I live for



I help you get real about your core values and how they can best be activated to prompt greater professional freedom & fulfillment!

I have always loved people immensely and am known for prompting powerful critical inquiries about life’s most compelling curiosities. Connecting over common humanity and recognizing the desires, needs, and magic that make people uniquely themselves and uniquely wonderful is what makes me tick. That and a well-placed and enthusiastic curse word here and there!

I am a Nationally
Board Certified Coach


Experienced Coach
Meets Experienced Academic (:

I completed my training at the Institute for Life Coach Training (ICLT) in 2021. I became board certified as a Board Certified Coach (BCC) through the Center for Credentialing & Education in 2022. I have hundreds of hours of experience successfully guiding academics who are feeling stuck when we meet.

I also understand academia deeply and personally– I have an MSW, a Ph.D., experience as an adjunct and TT professor, independent researcher, and reluctant committee member. I’ve been in the post-ac space since the spring of 2023. While I’ve found greater fulfillment and ease as a consultant and coach, I’m also an expert in all the kinds of isms that often make academic systems inhabitable for marginalized folks.

With nearly two decades of experience as an




And honed an advocacy tool kit to serve academics of all stripes
at critical junctures in their professions.

I’m Beyond Passionate About Helping All The Fellow Square Pegs Out There

find the spot that suits your shape!

I’m ready

When you are.

Let’s Go

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